diy classroom aquaponics
Part 2 Featured Below.
Heres the description that features on the YouTube page:
This video is about a garden I started in Preston Hollow, NY after reading Masonobu Fukuokas "One-Straw Revolution" and applying those theories and practices to vegetable gardening.
I grew fresh vegetables for a small CSA (Community Shared Agriculture) , local markets and my friends and family. Much of my gardening practice coincides with the principles of permaculture. No-till farming creates permanent planting areas, in this way, one can incorporate perennial growing alongside the annuals.
Artistically, I was inspired by Carl Sagans Cosmos and the work of David Attenborough, which I grew up adoring as a child. I find it ironic how modern media was one of the original gateways to my increasing curiosity about nature, though perhaps this is what I hope to mimic by putting together my personal story with this garden.
I hope to continue learning from nature for years to come... and hopefully inspire others to do so themselves.
Resistance is fertile, folks!
Oh yeah...
and check out my website:

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